How to motivate and retain employees

​15/05/2019 by Hicham HMICHE

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Organiser des événements ponctuels pour motiver ses collaborateurs

Seminars to build employee loyalty

Seminars are a must to motivate and retain employees.. They are generally organised once a year, over a period of several days. The idea is simple: it is about decontextualise everyday work life to strengthen ties, get to know each other better and reinforce cohesion within the same team. If the means are lacking, you can occasionally organise outings to restaurants, sports activities during the day, etc: there is no shortage of ideas! It's all about creating a special occasion so that everyone can have fun and have an sense of belonging to the company.

team building

Team building is a trend that attracts more and more companies every year (SMEs, groups and VSEs combined). In fact, some companies have even specialised in this field of activity and offer varied and very fun activities for your employees. They generally put the team spirit in the spotlight through games, sports events and even shows! At the end of each session, you will be sure to show your appreciation and commitment to each and every employee. The more they feel valued and the more their work is recognized, the more you increase your chances of retaining their loyalty. employees in the short, medium and long term.

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Highlighting social benefits to build employee loyalty

Employee benefits are very important for motivating employees, but also for building employee loyalty. Although mutual health insurance has become compulsory in recent years, you can put in before other important points such as luncheon vouchers, employee savings, CE, holiday vouchers, etc. Although it may seem trivial at first glance, these advantages have become crucial, especially in a context where purchasing power tends to decrease little by little. Everyone will seek to save and save to be able to ensure their good days and/or the future of the children.

Optimising the company's own benefits to build employee loyalty

In addition to benefits to build employee loyalty, you can also highlight internal company benefits. These benefits can be, for example, the provision of computer equipment, a company car, free and flexible working hours... There is no shortage of ideas! It's up to you to highlight them to motivate your employees and give them the will to stay or apply for a job. within your structure.

Creating a pleasant working environment

Creating a pleasant working environment is crucial for motivating employees, but also for motivating them in the long term. Many companies neglect this aspect due to a lack of time or energy. In fact, creating pleasant spaces does not necessarily require pharaonic means, on the contrary. It is possible to create an open space by ventilating the offices with human distances, place a few green plants, create glass partitions or why not create relaxation areas with sofas and armchairs.

Improving everyone's comfort in order to motivate employees

Summer temperatures are also becoming increasingly hard to bear, so don't hesitate to invest in an efficient ventilation system (or even air conditioning) with the provision of a water fountains, cold drink dispensers, misters, etc.

Listening to your employees

An employee who feels good in an organisation is an employee who feels valued, listened to and recognised. This is why you must do everything possible to provide them with these criteria, regardless of their seniority and level of their position. You should also take care to to create a good working atmosphere so as not to create tensions or harmful rumours. These are negative energies that can be detrimental to the good company's operations: so put good humour at the centre of your activity! The general idea is to give everyone the envy to come to work every day and not to give any feelings negatives. Indeed, many employees come to their workplace with a weariness or even a cruel lack of motivation: if they feel good there then you have every chance to improve not only the productivity, but also their commitment to the missions entrusted to them.

As you will have understood, building loyalty and motivating your employees goes through many steps which are not only the responsibility of the employees. Indeed, they must also be at the initiative of the employees. the company to bring value, recognition and a sense of belonging. Each of these initiatives aimed at building employee loyalty and motivating employees is within the reach of all companies, with few exceptions. regardless of their size and number of employees: it is up to you to implement them to achieve lasting results in terms of productivity and therefore profitability!